Evaluation of antioxidant activity of unpurified and purified datura seed

Umang Haribhai Gajjar *, Niralee Kalpeshkumar Velhal, Hetvi Girdharbhai Parikh, Jayrajsinh Bhartbhai Parmar, Yash Bhut and Viral Rupeshbhai Patel

School of Pharmacy, ITM (SLS) Baroda University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2021, 07(01), 030-035.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2021.7.1.0070
Publication history: 
Received on 27May 2021; revised on 02July 2021; accepted on 06July 2021
Aim: Evaluation of effect of shodhana process of datura seed (Datura stramonium) antioxidant activity.
Methods: The datura was purified with two different processes viz. cow’s urine, and cow’s milk by Dolayantra method.
Antioxidant activity was evaluated by in-vitro 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radicals scavenging activity and Ferric reducing power ability (FRPA) assay.
Result: cow urine purified datura (CUD) showed a significant effect in inhibiting DPPH, reaching up to 85.96% at concentration 1000 mcg/ml and its IC50 was 314.3 mcg/ml while Unpurified Datura Seed (UD) reaching up to 86.06% at concentration 1000 mcg/ml and its IC50 was 171.73 mcg/ml. The Cow Milk Purified Datura Seed (CMD) extract reach 69.72% at concentration 1000 mcg/ml and its IC50 value was 640. The IC50 value of Ascorbic acid was 23.35 mcg/ml. CUD showed a significant effect in reduction of ferric ion, reaching up to 85.59% reduction at concentration 1000 mcg/ml and its EC50 was 304.46 mcg/ml while UD reaching up to 86.11% at concentration 1000 mcg/ml and its EC50 was 280.28 mcg/ml. CMD extract reach 52.28% at concentration 1000 mcg/ml and its EC50 value was 1091.3mcg/ml.
Datura Seed; Shodhana Process; Antioxidant Activity; phytochemicals
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