Alcohol Abuse and Emotional Intelligence among adults of Karnataka

Fathima Mariyam 1, * and Naila P 2

1 Student, Department of psychology, University, Karnataka, India.
2 Assistant professor, Department of Psychology, CMR University, Karnataka, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 19(01), 355–361.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.19.1.0425
Publication history: 
Received on 08 June 2024; revised on 15 July 2024; accepted on 18 July 2024
Emotional intelligence is the capacity of a person to successfully and appropriately react to a wide range of emotional inputs that are generated from the inner self and immediate environment. The present study was an attempt to examine the impact alcohol abuse on emotional intelligence among adults situated at Karnataka State. The research instruments used were Alcohol use disorder identification test and emotion quotient test. The statistical techniques used were Spearman’s Rank correlation and Mann Whitney U Test. The findings showed a positive link between the EI dimensions. There is a significant negative association between alcohol abuse and competency dimension of EI. The studies result indicates that there was no significant association between alcohol abuse and emotional intelligence.
There is a significant difference in alcohol abuse-based on the level of education but no significant difference in Emotional intelligence based on the education level.
Alcohol abuse; Emotional intelligence; Maturity; sensitivity; Competency etc.
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