Armamentarium of wart control by using Allium sativum, malus and pumila mill
Department of Costume Design and Fashion, Dr. N. G. P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 18(01), 094–101.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.18.1.0179
Publication history:
Received on 24 February 2024; revised on 02 April 2024; accepted on 05 April 2024
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the cause of warts. The virus induces the top layer of skin (epidermis) to create an overabundance of the hard protein keratin. A wart has a harsh, gritty texture due to the excess keratin. Skin warts are microscopic growths brought on by a viral infection. It can be treated with over the counter medications. These are usually rough, tiny growths that can develop on the hands, feet, or genitalia, among other regions of the body. Garlic extract, which has a wide range of possible health advantages, is made from garlic cloves. It is a metabolite-rich, disease-preventive nutraceutical spice that is enhanced with polyphenols and organosulfur. It contains chemicals with antibacterial and antioxidant effects, including allicin. Because apple cider vinegar extract has so many potential benefits, it is frequently used for skin care. Because it lowers oil and bacteria on the skin, it has been used to treat acne. By reducing inflammation, it might also be beneficial for skin disorders like eczema.
Reducing bacteria; Disease preventing; Allium sativum; Malus and pumila mill.
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