An assessment of the underground water collected from Ogbete Area Enugu State, Nigeria

II Ujah 1, *, CK Onyishi 2 and OC Okechukwu 3

1 Department of Applied Biochemistry, Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences, Enugu State University of Science &Technology. Enugu State Nigeria
2 Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Biotechnology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Enugu State University of Science & Technology. Enugu State Nigeria
3 Department of Food Science and Technology, Enugu State University of Science & Technology, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 14(01), 210–215.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.14.1.0174
Publication history: 
Received on 07March 2023; revised on 20 April 2023; accepted on 22 April 2023
Water contamination has become a global challenge which must be tackled. This study examined the contamination level of water in four locations at Ogbete area Enugu state. Carters street had the highest pH of 5.23 which is below the WHO standards limits for drinking water. The conductivities ranged from the highest conductivity 1445 µs/cm, which is below the WHO limits (8-10,000 µs/cm), TDS (1000 mg/l., TSS (WHO (500 mg/l). For alkalinity, the four locations were all below the (150 mg/l) standard set by World Health Organisation. Results showed that most of the physicochemical, biological and heavy metals parameters considered in this study were significantly above the permissible or allowed by WHO. It is therefore recommended that the water should be treated before use.
Heavy Metal; Water samples; Conductivity; Contamination; Physicochemicals
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