Ayurvedic perspective and management of Tundikeri (Tonsillitis): A Case Study

Mahima Choudhary *, Gulab Chand Pamnani and Rajendra Kumar Soni

Department of Shalakya Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda Deemed to be University, Jaipur, India.
Case Report
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 20(02), 677–683.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.20.2.0939
Publication history: 
Received on 15 October 2024; revised on 24 November 2024; accepted on 27 November 2024
Introduction: Shalakya Tantra is a branch of Ayurveda comprising with study and treatment of Urdhwajatrugata Roga including Mukha Roga. Tundikeri is classified as one of the disease entities listed under Mukharoga caused because of Kapha and Rakta Dosha Prakopa having features as Sthoola, Toda, Daha, Prapaki Shopha. The inflammation of the Tonsils which are two oval shaped cushions at the back of the throat is known as Tonsillitis and connected with sore throat, trouble in gulping, fever. One of the most prevalent throat infections is Tonsillitis typically affects people in the duration of five to fifty age group which is brought on by an unhealthy diet, bad dental hygiene and a sedentary lifestyle.
Material and Methods: Ayurvedic oral medicines together with Pratisarana, Kawal and Pratimarsha Nasya were used to treat a male patient who was 34 years old and exhibited signs and symptoms similar to Tundikeri (Tonsillitis). Assessment of the patients was done on the basis of the Brodsky grading along with grading associated with other subjective parameters after completion of the thirty-five days therapeutic intervention. A follow up was also done in between and after the drug intervention phase.
Result: In within the span of 35 days, there was a notable improvement in the state of the illness and the result shows the effectiveness of the Ayurveda drugs, which are economical and safe for long-term use in the patients of Tundikeri.
Discussion: The science of allopathy is not very effective in curing Tonsillitis and preventing its recurrence. However, Ayurveda comprises various course of treatment mentioned in the Samhitas as oral medicines and also procedures as Pratisarana, Nasya, Kawal and this article shows the importance of various Ayurveda treatment modalities which are helpful in providing more fruitful outcomes in Tundikeri.
Conclusion: The current article focusses on the importance of oral Ayurveda drugs along with procedures to improve the grading of symptoms of Tundikeri (Tonsillitis) and cope up the disease.
Mukharoga; NasyaPratisarana; Tonsillitis; Tundikeri
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