Barriers and methods of assessing medication adherence in geriatric populations

SARANYA G 1, *, SMILELIN RAJU 1, SIVA R 2 and Vivekanandan K 3

1 Clinical clerkship, Doctor of Pharmacy, Arulmigu kalasalingam college of Pharmacy, Virudhunagar Tamilnadu, India.
2 Department of Pharmacy Practice, Arulmigu kalasalingam college of Pharmacy, Virudhunagar Tamilnadu, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 16(01), 080–088.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.16.1.0412
Publication history: 
Received on 28 August 2023; revised on 06 October 2023; accepted on 09 October 2023
Geriatrics patients will have different co-morbidities this can antagonistically influence drug consistence. The reason of this article is to recognize different variables liable for low prescription consistence and measures to further develop the drug consistence. Older individuals are generally impacted with ongoing sickness like Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Osteoarthritis and so on. All these sicknesses require long haul therapy, poor compliance in this age bunch represents medicine wastage with inflated cost of medical care and significant deteriorating of the illness with handicap or passing. The majority of human and monetary misfortune related with non-adherence can be prompted by further developing drug adherence. The point of the article is to survey the hindrances that influence prescription consistence in geriatrics with persistent ailment and giving measures to work fair and square of consistence in medication, the article additionally makes sense of about the effects of medicine non-adherence. The goal of the article is to conquered the variables that influencing prescription adherence by utilizing different measures to work on the adherence in geriatrics. In conclusion, this survey article gives an extensive examination of different variables that influence prescription adherence in geriatrics. This information is fundamental for medical services suppliers to work fair and square of medicine adherence and further administration of drug non-adherence for better therapeutic result.
Medication adherence; Barriers of medication adherence; Co-morbidities; Geriatrics; Measures
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