A case study of Asrgdara

Viresh Ashokrao Birajdar 1, * and Jaya Purushottam Umate 2

1 Department stree rog and prasuti tantra, Faculty Ayurveda,,Government Ayuvedic college, Nagpur, university-MUHS, Nashik, India.
2 Department stree rog and prasuti tantra, Faculty Ayurveda, university-muhs,Nasik ,India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 13(01), 177-180.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.13.1.0295
Publication history: 
Received on 25 November 2022; revised on 06 January 2023; accepted on 08 January 2023
Asrgdara (1) is associated with excessive and prolonged blood loss during menstruation or even during intermenstrual period. Ayurvedic texts have described a variety of treatment options in the management of Asrgdara. Despite wide range of treatment and management modalities in contemporary medicine, search for safe options, which is, non-surgical, non-hormonal, effective and without any adverse effects is needed. Goksurakashirpak (2) is mentioned in charaksamhita chikitsa sthana in treatment of Asragdara. It is easily available, easy to consume, cost effective and no adverse effect. This article shows the case report of a 35 years old woman who was complaining of Asrgdara. In this study, it is observed that goksurakashirpak has significant relief in all the symptoms of Asragdara.
Asrgdara; Goksurakashirpak; Charaksamhita; Chikitsa; Menstruation
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