A case study of a pet dog bitten by snake (cobra) healed successfully and brought to life by Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) energy healing

Leelavathi Nayak and Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri *

Yoga Prana Vidya Ashram, Sri Ramana Trust, Thally-635118, Tamilnadu, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2022, 10(02), 024–029.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2022.10.2.0071
Publication history: 
Received on 17 March 2022; revised on 23 April 2022; accepted on 25 April 2022
Introduction: Animals too have an Aura similar to humans and their energy field can be healed by trained energy healers, to treat any illnesses in the physical body. Pet animals, like dogs, experience snake bites sometimes, needing emergency treatment. This paper presents a case of a snake bitten dog successfully healed and fully recovered by using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing protocols.
Methods: This paper uses case study method collecting patient data before and after healing, and details of YPV intervention applied by a trained healer for treating this animal patient.
Results: After two days of healing, the dog could get up and eat food. Within 15 days of healing, the wound near mouth got healed fully and healing continued on hard mass at mouth area and wound below leg. After 45 days of healings, the dog got completely healed and the hard mass near mouth came out.
Conclusions: As an integrated and holistic system, the YPV system of healing has been found to be less expensive modality without the use of any medications and without touching the animal patient as well as human patient. YPV healing offers great opportunity to address snake bitten cases with successful results Further research may be conducted on the characteristics of the energy body of animals to throw more light for effective healing taking lesser time.
Yoga Prana Vidya ®; YPV ®; snake bite; Healing animals
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