Clinical research methodology: A narrative review

Kalpesh Khutade *, Nisha Kumari and Harshada Shah

Department of Microbiology, Vedantaa Institute of Medical Sciences, Vedantaa Hospital and Research Centre, Palghar, Maharashtra- 401606, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 17(03), 236–241.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.17.3.0129
Publication history: 
Received on 31 January 2024; revised on 15 March 2024; accepted on 18 March 2024
Research necessitates a systematic approach, meticulous planning, and execution as planned. The study consists of predefined components, such as aims, population, conduct/technique, outcome, and statistical considerations. Understanding the fundamental aspects of methodology is crucial for any researcher, as it ensures objective, reliable, and repeatable results. This narrative review explored various aspects of the methodology used in conducting clinical research. A literature search was conducted using relevant keywords from various databases and article bibliographies.
Blinding; Population; Randomisation; Research; Sample size; Study design; Study tools
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