A comprehensive review on Ricinus communis and its therapeutic utilization as medicinal herb
Department of Microbiology, Himachal Pradesh University, Summerhill, Shimla, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 18(03), 224–233.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.18.3.0342
Publication history:
Received on 30 April 2024; revised on 10 June 2024; accepted on 13 June 2024
Medicinal herbs possess a significant function in promoting human wellness, with herbal drugs flourishing tremendously over the past several centuries due to their continuous growth in developed as well as developing nations owing to its natural source and reduced consequences. Ricinus communis, often referred to as the castor oil plant or castor bean, is an herbaceous plant in the Euphorbiaceae family, possessing medicinal properties to address a wide range of health issues. This wide family comprises about 7,500 species and 300 genera, most of which are lowering plants. The castor plant offers traditional and therapeutic health benefits and its parts such as leaves, bark, seeds, flowers, and oil are valued for medicinal purposes. Castor oil, derived from the plant's seeds, finds application in Ayurvedic, homeopathic, unani, and allopathic medicine systems primarily as a laxative. Moreover, it exhibits a diverse range of medicinal properties including antimicrobial, pain-relieving, antioxidant, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and many others. These effects are attributed to its rich phytoconstituents such as alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, steroids and glycosides. The current research seeks to assess the distinctive pharmacological properties of Ricinus communis, its possible applications in herbal medicine, and its assessment for safety and efficacy.
Herbal drugs; Unani; Ricinus communis; Pharmacological; Phytoconstituents
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