Concept of Koshtha and Koshtha Parikshana: A comprehensive review

Saurabh Singh Hada 1, Anjali Bhati 2, *, Sneha Ghawale 2 and Saroj Godara 2

1 Department of Kriya Sharir, Associate Professor, Government Ayurvedic College, Kota, India.
2 Department of Kriya Sharir, PG Scholar, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 19(03), 271–275.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.19.3.0595
Publication history: 
Received on 29 July 2024; revised on 07 September 2024; accepted on 09 September 2024
In Ayurveda, the concept of Koshtha integrates both anatomical and physiological dimensions, playing a pivotal role in understanding digestive health and Dosha balance. Anatomically, Koshtha denotes the body's cavities. Physiologically, it refers to the functional state of the digestive tract, influencing bowel movements and digestive processes based on an individual's Dosha constitution. Koshtha is categorized based on predominant Dosha influence. Koshtha Parikshana (assessment of Koshtha) is crucial for effective Ayurvedic treatment. It aids in diagnosing digestive disorders, selecting appropriate medications, and determining dosages. Additionally, it informs dietary and lifestyle recommendations and guides preparatory treatments such as Snehapana before Shodhana (detoxification) therapies. By understanding Koshtha, practitioners can tailor treatments to align with the individual's digestive constitution, enhancing therapeutic outcomes and overall health. This review emphasizes the importance of Koshtha in Ayurvedic practice, highlighting its physiological relevance, clinical implications, and its role in personalized treatment planning.
Ayurveda; Koshtha; Koshtha Parikshana; Digestive tract; Snehapana; Physiology
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