Digital tools based differentiated intervention of a student with ASD
Net Media Lab IIT NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 14(03), 248–257.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.14.3.0272
Publication history:
Received on 08 May 2023; revised on 20 June 2023; accepted on 22 June 2023
Eighteen (n=18) students from a 6th grade class in a general elementary school in Athens, Greece, including one student diagnosed with high-functioning Autism, are learning the subject of physics. The general education teacher and the special education teacher supporting the autistic student, they collaborate exceptionally well and meet the needs of the class. The special education teacher has made necessary adjustments to satisfy the interests and needs of the student, actively involving them in the learning process. This research lasted for three (3) instructional hours and aimed to highlight digital tools as a good practice for differentiated teaching and inclusion of students with Autism, in accordance with the objectives of the curriculum. At the end of the research, questionnaires were administered to the students to explore their attitudes towards the digital tool ToSakidio. Additionally, a semi-structured interview was conducted with the student with Autism. The findings showed that the student diagnosed with ASD using the digital tool ToSakidio is capable of following the detailed curriculum smoothly as long as he is given the opportunity to approach the content in a way that facilitates his understanding as well as he is capable of developing effective collaboration skills with his peers.
Differentiated instruction; ASD; Inclusion; Digital tools
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