A drug review on potency of Azhingil Vithai Thailam, Siddha Polyherbo formulation in the management of Ceganavatham

S.P. Radha 1, *, S Aruldevi 2, R. Archana 3 and S Yamini Priyadharshini 4

1 Department of Sirappu Maruthuvam, Excel Siddha Medical College& Research Centre, Komarapalayam, Namakkal, India.
2 Department of Physiology, Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre, Komarapalayam, Namakkal, India.
3 Department of Biochemistry, Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre, Komarapalayam, Namakkal, India.
4 Department of Pathology, Excel Siddha Medical College & Research Centre, Komarapalayam, Namakkal, India. 
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 17(03), 180–185.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.17.3.0121
Publication history: 
Received on 28 January 2024; revised on 04 March 2024; accepted on 07 March 2024
In Siddha system of medicine the diseases are categorized and concluded as 4448 diseases. Among these classification there are Vatha disease, Pitha diseases and Kabha diseases. The common Vatha disease are Thandaga Vatham(Lumbar spondylosis), Vathasthambam (Sciatica) and Cegana Vatham (Cervical Spondylosis. Cervical spondylosis is a disorder characterised by increasing degeneration of the intervertebral disc, with subsequent changes in the bones and soft tissues Symptoms are usually a manifestation of encroachment on local neural elements. The symptoms and signs appear to be related to the cause and time course of compression as well as the structures being compressed. Many formulations been indicated for the Cervical spondylosis, and one among these is Azhingil vithai Thailam. Every drug in the Azhingil vithai thailam possess the Anti- Vatha Property, hence this article provides the efficacy of Azhingil vithai Thailam on Cervical Spondylosis based on the Siddha literature and Modern science.
Siddha; Vatham; Azhingil vithai; Thailam; Cervical Spondylosis
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