Integrating care for chronic diseases: A review of management approaches and Outcomes

Pratiksha   Shejav 1, *, Sonali Pawar 1, Amol arunrao Wadhave 2 and Pallavi pandurang Sambarkar 3

1 Students, Sdmvm’s Diploma In pharmacy institute. chhsambhajinagar, India.
2 Principal, Sdmvm’s Diploma In pharmacy institute. chhsambhajinagar, India.
3 Lecturer, Sdmvm’s Diploma In pharmacy institute. chhsambhajinagar, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 19(03), 403–412.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.19.3.0650
Publication history: 
Received on 02 August 2024; revised on 11 September 2024; accepted on 14 September 2024
Chronic disease are considered a major public health concern worldwide, and most of these diseases like cancer, cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurological disorders occur due to atypical regulation of multiple signaling pathways. It has also been observed that most of the currently approved therapies for these diseases fail to show prolonged efficacy due to their mono-targeted nature and are associated with the development of chemoresistance, thus restricting their utility.
Chronic care; Disease management; Care management; Diabetes; COPD; Hypertension
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