Low mathematics performance and the role of digital technologies

Agathi Stathopoulou Maria Mastrotheodorou *

Department of Public and Community Health School of Public Health University of West Attica, Greece.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 18(01), 054–063.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.18.1.0147
Publication history: 
Received on 23 February 2024; revised on 01 April 2024; accepted on 03 April 2024
In the current study, we dealt with Dyscalculia, Mathematics Anxiety and Low Intelligence Quotient as factors that contribute to low performance in Mathematics. We investigated the relative effect of Dyscalculia and Mathematics Anxiety on students’ performance. Also, we examined how technology helps the educational intervention in cases of Low Intelligence Quotient. We first present the main characteristics of the three factors and we continue with studies which indicate the way they affect performance in Mathematics. Through the current study we found that Mathematics Anxiety affects more negatively the students’ performance than Dyscalculia does, as Mathematics Anxiety is a broader psychosocial factor that is more difficult to locate and handle. With regards to Low Intelligence Quotient, we concluded that those people can best be educated through technology and specifically through applications that support learning basic Mathematic skills.
Dyscalculia; Mathematics Anxiety; Low I.Q.; Mental Retardation; Mathematics
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