Micro-qualification by estimation of leaf constants of the ethnobotanical plant Costus igneus N.E. Br by optical microscopical analysis

Raktimava Das Sarkar * and Gouranga Sundar Roy

Bengal School of Technology, A College Of Pharmacy, Sugandha, Delhi Road, Hooghly, Pin-712102, West Bengal, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 13(03), 120–127.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.13.3.0130
Publication history: 
Received on 05 February 2023; revised on 13 March 2023; accepted on 15 March 2023
Costus igneus N.E.Br, traditionally known as Insulin Plant, is an ethnobotanical perennial plant used by aboriginal people for treatment for Hyperglycaemia, or abundancy of sugar in body. In modern studies, researchers have found that the leaves of Costus igneus N.E. Br to be effective especially for Type-I Diabetes. In addition to its’s Anti-Diabetic property it has various other properties like Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Urolithic, Anti-Proliferative, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Lipidemic property. The Isolated Pharmacologically active moiety is a Flavonoid called Quercetin. A traditional method of identification of a plant species is by estimation of its Leaf Constants. Just like fingerprints, each plant has its own unique identification in terms of leaf constant. The fresh leaves of the plant were collected from Insulin plant of Bengal School of Technology, Hooghly, Herbal Garden and a Herbarium was prepared. The Herbarium was then authenticated and identified from Botanical Survey of India, Shibpur, and West Bengal. The authenticated plant was collected for fresh leaves and the Leaf Constants that were calculated were Stomatal Number, Stomatal-Index, Palisade Ratio, Vein-Islet Number and Vein-Termination Number. The leaf constants were observed and shown in table.
Costus igneus N.E.Br; Leaf Constant; Ethnobotanical; Stomata; Vein-Islet
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