Names of botanical genera dedicated to genuine persons

Iliana Alexandrova Ilieva * and Iliana Ilieva

University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2022, 12(02), 110-129.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2022.12.2.0129
Publication history: 
Received on 04 August 2022; revised on 17 September 2022; accepted on 19 September 2022
The current review article deals with names of botanical genera derived from personal names of ingenuine people (eponyms). It is a sort of continuation of the article dealing with generic names inspired by mythology, and like it is part of the project: Linguistic structure of binomial botanical denominations. Based on Conspectus of the Bulgarian vascular flora, genera names dedicated to real people are alphabetically arranged and accompanied by a short biographical reference for the corresponding eponym. The main word-formative rules relating to the grammatical form of this type of genera names are analyzed, indicating the detected deviations from the established nomenclature norms. Several particular cases of genera names involving additional word-formative elements also are noted.
Botanical genera; Eponyms; Word-formation
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