Paracetamol is the most unscientific and dangerous drug for fever: Anyone can create a fever within hours using antipyretic objects

K. M. Yacob *

Marma Health Centre, P.O. Kaloor, Kerala, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 16(03), 155–165.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.16.3.0500
Publication history: 
Received on 31 October 2023; revised on 16 December 2023; accepted on 19 December 2023
Paracetamol works in favor of inflammation which is the underlying cause of fever. Paracetamol also destroys prostaglandinE2, a heat-sensitive pyrogen produced by endothelial cells to reduce inflammation and increase blood flow. Paracetamol does not reduce the underlying cause or symptom of fever, disease, or cause of disease, but increases it.
In modern science, one test of whether something is true is whether it can be reproduced. Anyone can createa fever if they are given paracetamol, which increases inflammation and reduces blood flow
The medical book states that paracetamol may cause fever, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, nephropathy, and skin reactions. This is not a side effect of paracetamol, but its proper function.
If it is said that the medicine used to reduce the temperature of the fever itself causes the fever, the scientific and authenticity of that medicine are being questioned here. There is no science or technology like this anywhere in the world.
Prostaglandin E2; Antipyretics; Fever-inducing; Fundamental errors; Fever definition
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