Pathophysiological and epidemiological aspects of fibroadenoma of the breast: A review

Pavithra D *, Harini R, Hemalatha A, AravindRaj P, Megha D, Pavithra P and Nirmala E

Shri Venkateshwara College of Pharmacy, Puducherry-605102, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 15(01), 049–054.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.15.1.0297
Publication history: 
Received on 26 May 2023; revised on 08 July 2023; accepted on 10 July 2023
A fibroadenoma is a solid, not fluid-filled, unilateral, benign (non-cancerous), breast tumour. It is painless. Fibroadenoma the terms "Fibro" and "Adenoma" refer to the glandular structure in epithelial tissue, respectively. In most cases, they appear as a straightforward, moveable, painless, smooth, and well-defined lump. They could be found in one breast or both. fibroadenoma is most frequently detected in women between the ages of 14 and 35. The lump may gradually grow without any accompanying pain, nipple changes, or skin changes, however the menstrual cycle may cause variations in size. In women with clinically worrisome lesions or lesions that are equivocal on imaging, FNA, or CNB (SORC), an excisional biopsy should be undertaken to reduce the risk of scarring that will impede further mammographic and sonographic interpretation. Clinical and radiographic examinations revealed complex fibroadenomas. Metformin as a new option in the medical management of breast fibroadenoma. The treatment of fibroadenoma may be conservative, but the mass may be removed through total enucleation. Patients should be counselled throughout therapy on the benign nature of the mass, the various surgical and non-surgical treatments, and the necessity for additional surgery. More long-term outcome data are needed to inform treatment options for adolescent patients with breast fibroadenomas.
Fibroadenoma; Lump; Breast Fibroadenoma; Lesion; Mammography
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