Performance yield components of sweet corn (Zea mays Saccharata (Sturt.)) Bailey and weed growth with treatment in different kinds of fertilizer

Halim 1, *, La Karimuna  1, Robiatul Adawiah 1, La Ode Santiadji Bande 2, Sahta Ginting 3, Fransiscus Suramas Rembon 3, Yulius Bara Pasolon 3 and Aminuddin Mane Kandari 4

1 Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Southeast Sulawesi, Kendari, Indonesia.
2 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Southeast Sulawesi, Kendari, Indonesia.
3 Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Southeast Sulawesi, Kendari, Indonesia.
4 Department of Environmental, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Science, Halu Oleo University, Southeast Sulawesi,  
  Kendari, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2021, 05(03), 075–084.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2021.5.3.0028
Publication history: 
Received on 13 February 2021; revised on 16 March 2021; accepted on 19 March 2021
This study aims to determine the performance yield component of sweet corn and weed density due to different kinds of fertilizer treatments. This study uses a randomized complete block design (RCBD) in factorial patterns with two factors. The first factor is biofertilizer-Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (biofertilizer-AMF) which consists of four levels, namely without biofertilizer-AMF (A0), biofertilizer-AMF 5 g/planting hole (A1), biofertilizer-AMF 10 g/planting hole (A2), biofertilizer-AMF 15 g/planting hole (A3). The second factor is cow manure fermented consisting of three levels, namely without cow manure (B0), cow manure 5 tons ha-1 (B1), cow manure 10 tons ha-1 (B2) with 3 replications so that there are 36 experimental units. The variables observed in this study were: cob length (cm), cob diameter (cm), number of seed rows, cob weight with husk (g), cob weight without husk (g) productivity of sweet corn plants (ton ha-1) and kinds of weeds and their absolute density. The results showed that the highest average corn crop productivity was obtained in the treatment without biofertilizer-AMF and cow manure fermented 10 tons ha-1 (A0B2) as 8.52 tons ha-1. If the combination of treatments contained biofertilizer-AMF and cow manure fermented, the highest average productivity of sweet corn was obtained in the treatment of biofertilizer-AMF 5 g/planting hole and cow manure fermented 10 tons ha-1 (A1B2) as 7.19 tons ha-1. The highest weed density from broadleaf is H.capitata (34.167%), from grasses is I.cylindrica (32.432%) and from sedges is Cyperus sp (30.21%).
Sweet Corn; Production Components; Biofertilizer; Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi; Dugs Manure; Weeds
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