A scientific compendium of the effects of sildenafil citrate on the liver, kidney and heart of male albino rats at Nnewi, South East Nigeria
1 Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nnewi- Campus, Nnewi.
2 College of Medicine, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Amaku Awka Campus Nigeria.
3 Department of Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nnewi- Campus, Nnewi.
4 Department of Internal Medicine, Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital / Bayero University Kano.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2020, 04(02), 056-074.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2020.4.2.0065
Publication history:
Received on 02 September 2020; revised on 26 September 2020; accepted on 12 October 2020
This study investigated the various effects of Sildenafil citrate on the liver, kidney and heart of male albino rats. Twenty eight male rats randomly divided into 4 groups and weighing 131-214g were used. While the animals in group 1 (control) received food and water only, those in the study groups 2,3&4 respectively received 25mg/kg, 50mg/kg and 100mg/kg of Sildenafil citrate orally, daily for 4 weeks. All animals were sacrificed and blood samples collected by cardiac puncture for analysis of biochemical parameters. The rats Liver, kidneys and hearts were subjected to histopathological tests. Study results showed no changes in food consumption, fluid intake, body weight and relative organ weight of the animals. The animals in group 4 showed significant increase in mean Lactate dehydrogenase and Aspartate aminotransferase ⃰(P<0.05) compared to control. Mean levels of creatinine was significantly higher among group 4 animals ⃰(p<0.05) but not significantly high among the animals in other groups. Mean Na+ and Cl- level were significantly high among the animals in group 4 ⃰(p<0.05). Although no histopathological changes were observed in the heart of the rats in groups 2,3 and 4, there were significant increase in serum levels of Na+, K and Cl- of animals in group 4 which could have affected their heart owing to fatigue. Sildenafil citrate (100mg/kg) caused distortion in cyto-architecture of the liver and mild distortion of cortical structures in the kidneys of albino rats. Sildenafil citrate has potential toxic effects on the liver, kidney and heart of studied rats with higher doses. Conclusion: Sildenafil citrate has potential toxic effects on the liver, kidney and heart of male albino rats especially with higher doses.
Male albino rats; Sildenafil; Biochemical parameters; Histopathological changes
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