A study of the concept of water in Susruta samhita
Department of Agadatantra (Toxicology, Forensic Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence ), Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science and Research Hospital, Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 14(02), 288-295.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.14.2.0217
Publication history:
Received on 10 April 2023; revised on 19 May 2023; accepted on 22 May 2023
Water is well accepted to be the first priority daily requirement of the human society and also of the other living organisms. Even, if observed, it is seen that, the soil becomes fertile by water, the plants cannot grow without water, animals cannot live without water. The human and animal use water for external cleaning and drinking. Above that the human use it for cleaning of clothes, utensils, residence etc. and for preparation of different types of foods and drinks.
Water is a nature’s gift to the creation. It falls on the earth as rain, becomes stored in the natural reservoirs like, river, lake, sea etc. artificial reservoirs like pond, well, tranch etc. as overground water and some portion becomes stored under the ground as underground water. The overground water can be used directly from the sources but to use the underground water tubewell, deepwell etc. are to be installed.
Water, being the unavoidable need for the human society, is occupying an important place in study and research. Many studies have been conducting in different levels to understand details about water scientifically. Study on the water cycle, types,qualities, identification of pure / polluted water, purification of impure / polluted water, healthy preservation etc. are being taken as the areas of study.
When the question of the knowledge of water of the ancient human society is raised then, as an Ayurvedic person, the descriptions available in the ancient Ayurvedic classics come to the mind. Here a discussion on the available concepts in Susruta Samhita, the first book on Surgery, is made for the appraisal of the scientific society.
Water; Nature’s gift; Overground; underground water; Susruta Samhita
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