A study to find effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding menstrual blood banking among nursing students in a selected nursing college at Mangalore

Lakshmi Ksoo * and Marie Elizabeth Pinto

Department of obstetrics and gynecological nursing, New Mangala College of Nursing Neermarga –Mangalore, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 19(03), 064–068.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.19.3.0575
Publication history: 
Received on 20 July 2024; revised on 01 September 2024; accepted on 04 September 2024
A study to find the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding menstrual blood banking among nursing student in a selected nursing college at Mangalore. The study surveyed 60 nursing students at New Mangala College of Nursing Mangalore, using a structured teaching program. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire and post-test. The results showed that 70% of students had no prior knowledge about menstrual blood banking, while 85% had average knowledge. The post-test knowledge score was higher than the pretest score, indicating that the structured teaching program effectively increased nursing students' knowledge on menstrual blood banking. The study found that the Structured Teaching Program significantly improved nursing students' knowledge about menstrual blood banking, despite their initial low structured scores.
Effectiveness; Structured teaching program; Menstrual blood banking
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