The study of pharmacological and pharmacodynamic actions of Herbal Medhya Plants in Manas-Vikara’s

Pooja Sambhaji Panchaware *, Abhijeet Ganesh Pachpor, Ovi Nandkishor Shinde and Sanjivani Samadhan Shekokar

Department of Dravyaguna vigyana, Government Ayurveda College, Vajirabad, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 14(01), 108–121.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.14.1.0160
Publication history: 
Received on 27 March 2023; revised on 10 April 2023; accepted on 13 April 2023
In the present era every human being who is running for survival is facing some kind of mental or psychological disturbances. According to the WHO, by the year 2020, depression will constitute the second largest disease burden worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a serious threat to global mental health. A finding suggest a link between COVID-19 and a higher risk for later mental health and neurological disorders. It includes Cognitive and emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, stress, guilt, fear, anger and confusion then behavioural troubles like changes in attitude and social withdrawal and Somatic problems such as migraine, loss of appetite, fatigue and insomnia. In spite of great advancement in the science of psychiatry for decades the problems with the management of a certain mental problems have remain unsolved .In addition to this, adverse effects of anti-psychotic, anxiolytic medications are creating considerable amount of discomfort to the patient. So that peoples are searching towards the best treatments those are more effective and less harmful. Ayurveda are one of the best therapy to cure the mental health issues as it has a lots of herbal plants which acts on mental health like nervine tonics such as Brhami, Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Yasthimadhu, Vacha etc. Present study is a review to update knowledge on pharmacological properties, major chemical constituents, therapeutic actions, safety and possible mode of action of the selected herbs from ayurvedic pharmacopoeia.
Medhya plants; Pharmacology; Pharmacodynamics; Manas-Vikara
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