Synthesis of Triphenyl Imidazole by Green chemistry approach

Vasantha T S *, Uma Maheshwari, Firdos sultana, and Raziya begum

Assistant Professor, Varadaraja Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Tumakur, 572102, Karnataka, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 18(02), 386–393.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.18.2.0294
Publication history: 
Received on 08 April 2024; revised on 15 May 2024; accepted on 18 May 2024
Synthesis of 2,3,5- Triphenyl imidazole is carried out by conventional method/ traditional method as well as green chemistry in the present study. Green chemistry is also known as micro-wave assisted synthesis. Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and process that eliminates the use and generation of hazardous substances. Using green solvent, like water, synthesis of biologically active moiety with high percentage yield as well as purity. The Percentage yield of 2,3,5- Triphenyl imidazole obtained by Green Chemistry Approach is 90.90% whereas Conventional/Traditional method produces only 69.60% of 2,3,5- Triphenyl imidazole constant concentration of all organic reagents. Hence, we concluded that green chemistry approach is environment friendly.
2,3,5- Triphenyl imidazole; Conventional method; Green chemistry; Percentage yield; UV spectrophotometer
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