Temperature effect on drug diffusion in the stomach and bloodstream compartments

Kubugha Wilcox Bunonyo 1, *, Liberty Ebiwareme 2 and Paul Ziakede Awomi 1

1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics and, MMDARG, Federal University Otuoke, Nigeria.
2 Department of Mathematics Rivers State University Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 13(02), 178–188.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.13.2.0093
Publication history: 
Received on 02 January 2023; revised on 11February 2023; accepted on 14 February 2023
In this paper, we explain the effect of temperature on the distribution of drugs between the stomach and the bloodstream compartments of the human body. The study demonstrates that the behavior of drug distribution is linked with high or low surrounding temperatures in the compartments (the stomach and bloodstream) under study. In the study, we converted real-world problems into mathematical equations and then solved the resulting remodeled system and the mathematical models found in previous research by introducing a temperature component in an attempt to understand the behavior of a drug administered in the human body over time. The analytical solutions for the drug concentration in the stomach and bloodstream were obtained using separation of variables and variation of parameters techniques of solving ODEs, while the numerical solutions and the graphical results were obtained using Wolfram Mathematica. The results show that as the temperature rises, the drug administered into the system diffuses faster between the compartments and diffuses slower as the temperature falls, which shows the novelty of this research project.
Mathematical Models; Pharmacokinetics; Cholesterol; Drug Distribution; Ordinary Differential Equations; Temperature
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