Verification of the analytical performance of the serum phosphorus assay on the Abbott Alinity ci®: Experience of the central laboratory Mohammed VI University Hospital of Oujda
1 Central Laboratory, Mohammed VI University Hospital of Oujda, Morocco.
2 Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Oujda, Mohammed First University, Morocco.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 16(01), 233–238.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.16.1.0401
Publication history:
Received on 11 August 2023; revised on 26 September 2023; accepted on 28 September 2023
Introduction: In our study, we aimed to evaluate the analytical performance of the serum phosphorus determination method using an Abbott kit on the Alinity c automaton at the biochemistry laboratory of Mohammed VI University Hospital of Oujda.
Materials and methods: We evaluated the performance of the kit using flexible scope A and conducted a thorough performance study on the Alinity c automaton. This study encompassed assessments of repeatability, reproducibility and comparisons of results obtained from two Alinity c automatons.
Results: The obtained results met the acceptability criteria recommended by the supplier and the French Society of Clinical Biology(Société Française de Biologie Clinique SFBC) Valtec protocol, indicating overall satisfaction with the study. The Alinity c automaton exhibited the necessary analytical performance to ensure accurate and dependable determination of phosphorus levels.
Discussion: Ensuring accurate and reliable results, the verification of the serum phosphorus determination method in the medical laboratory is crucial. This process entails implementing quality control measures, calibration, and comparing with established reference methods. It guarantees that the laboratory's phosphorus testing method is precise, accurate, and compliant with industry standards, thereby upholding the quality of patient care.
Conclusion: The verification study of the serum phosphorus determination method yielded satisfactory results, providing high reliability to the test results from the central laboratory at Mohammed VI University Hospital of Oujda. This verification study serves as a strong foundation in the accreditation process, ensuring the accuracy and quality of laboratory testing, and enhancing the overall reliability of patient care
verification; Phosphorus; Quality; Alinity c; ISO 15189
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