Years lived with disabilities of the working-age population owing to injuries

А.Purevgerel, P. Tseden  and Yu. Gantugs *

Department of Health Policy, School of Public Health, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Mongolia.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 17(03), 101–106.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.17.3.0110
Publication history: 
Received on 21 January 2024; revised on 03 March 2024; accepted on 06 March 2024
Introduction: Cases of mortality and illness caused by injury in Mongolian population have increased drastically in recent years, and in 2022, 5th cause of illness and the 3rd cause of mortality. 
On average, more than 146,000 new cases of accidents and injuries are registered in Mongolia every year. More than 69% of it is a working-age population.
Purpose and objectives: The purpose of the research work is to calculate the number of years lived with disability due to accidents among the working-age population of Mongolia.
 Research materials and methods: The study design is a Retrospective Cohort Study. The research work was carried out according to the WHO's burden of disease determination method. We collected quantitative data on disease numbers in Mongolia from the year 2016 to 2020 from the database of the Health Development Centre and National Center for Traumatology. The number of years lived with a disability was calculated using 306,823 quantitative information of the working-age (15-61) population of Mongolia in 2016-2020.
Results: In Mongolia, 61.0% (n=187047) of the causes of accidents and injuries among the working-age population over 5 years were men and 39.0% (n=119776) were women. Considering the causes of accidents and injuries among the working-age population, 49.3% of all illnesses are falls, 25.3% are homicides, 22.9% are road accidents, and the rest are suicides, intoxication/exposure to toxic substances.120469 years of living with disability due to accidents caused by external causes of the working-age population of Mongolia over 5 years. The number of years lived with a disability was 77,135 years (64.0%) for men and 43,334 (36.0%) years for women.
Conclusion: The working-age population of Mongolia has 120,469 years of living with disabilities caused by accidents caused by external causes. 1.8 times more years are lost than men and women.
Injury; working age; Years lived with disability; Mongolia
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