Two finger tests: Violation of right to privacy, physical and mental integrity and dignity
B. Pharmacy College Rampura, At Rampura, PO Kakanpur, Taluka Godhra, District Panchmahal, Gujarat-388713, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2022, 12(02), 040–043.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2022.12.2.0193
Publication history:
Received on 02 October 2022; revised on 08 November 2022; accepted on 11November 2022
On Monday, October 31, 2022, the Supreme Court of India outlawed the two-finger test, which is used to medically confirm rape. Doctors do this test by putting two fingers inside the victim's vagina to check for virginity. Girls and women who have never had physical contact are referred to as virgins. The virginity test is used to determine whether or not sexual activity has taken place. It is assumed that if two fingers can easily enter the vagina, the girl or woman is sexually active, which results in the virginity of the girl or woman. The Supreme Court (SC) noted that this makes it clear that it is never acceptable to rape a sexually active girl or woman. Additionally, SC claims that there is no scientific support for the idea of virginity and that it is rejected by science. This exam makes the girl or lady feel uncomfortable mentally and intensifies the trauma of the incident. SC urges the federal government to create and distribute guidelines to all states so they can discontinue the aforementioned test as soon as feasible through the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The SC directs medical colleges to take this material off their required reading lists. This article investigates the two finger test, how it's done, and how it infringes on a girl or woman's right to privacy, as well as their physical and mental integrity and dignity. Making a legislation will undoubtedly alter the current situation since everyone will be aware that doing tests like the two finger test is prohibited and that the government will take strict action to stop it.
Two finger test; Virginity; Virginity testing; Virgin; Rape victims; Violation of Women's Human Rights
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