Phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of anti-acne activity of herbal extract of Cassia angustifolia

Ishika Mishra 1, *, B. K. Dubey 2 and Deepak Basedia 3

1 PG Scholar, Technocrates Institute of Technology pharmacy Bhopal M.P. India.
2 Principal, Technocrates Institute of Technology pharmacy Bhopal M.P. India.
3 Associate Professor and HOD, Technocrates Institute of Technology pharmacy Bhopal M.P. India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 13(01), 203-214.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.13.1.0278
Publication history: 
Received on 17 November 2022; revised on 27 December 2022; accepted on 30 December 2022
P. acnes, as the foremost causative microorganism, M. furfur (yeast), S. Epidermidis are present in acne lesions. So in the present study ethanolic extract of Cassia angustifolia were selected for the anti-acne activity. Results of phytochemical screening of Cassia angustifolia flavonoid, proteins, alkaloids, saponins and diterpenes were detected in ethanol extracted. All phytochemical are absent in pet. ether extract of Cassia angustifolia . In thin layer chromatography from the Rf value (0.60) it was confirmed the presence of Quercetin as flavanoids compound in the extract. The preliminary phytochemical study was carried out according to standard literature. This revealed that they contain various phytoconstituents which can be responsible for the anti-acne activity. The acne-like inflammatory activity was carried out by measuring the ear thickness. Ethanolic leaves extract of Cassia angustifolia showed a significant reduction in the ear thickness. It seems that the increased ear thickness and inflammation caused due to various biochemicals, viz. various kinins, histamine and 5-HT is significantly reduced. The presence of various phytoconstituents including the hydroalcoholic leaves extract of Cassia angustifolia i.e. flavanoids, phenols showed significant anti-acne properties.
P. acnes; Cassia angustifolia; Ethanolic extract; Phytochemical screening; Anti-acne properties
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