Effect of aqueous extract of Tapinanthus bangwensis on serum electrolytes in alloxan-induced diabetic Wistar Rats
1 Department of Biochemistry, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B. 5323, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
2 Department of Biochemistry, Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 14(01), 190–198.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.14.1.0182
Publication history:
Received on 09 March 2023; revised on 20 April 2023; accepted on 22 April 2023
This study investigated the effect of aqueous extract of Tapinanthus bangwensis on some serum electrolytes in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The effect of this plant extract was monitored on the serum concentration of potassium iron (k+), sodium ion (Na+), uric acid, bicarbonate (HCO3_), and urea. Sixty-six albino rats were used for the study arranged into eleven groups of 6 rats each. Two groups (12 rats) were used for the pilot study. Nine other groups (54 rats) were used for the experiment labelled groups 1-9. Group 1 constitute the normal control which received only feed and water, group 2 received 50mg/kg citrate buffer. Group 3 was administered alloxan solution and allowed free access to feed and water. Group 4-6 received 50mg/kg of citrate buffer and were also administered with the aqueous extract of Tapinanthus bangwensis at a dose of 250mg/kg and referred to as normal treated, concentration 1(NT conc-1), concentration 2 (NT con-2) and concentration 3 (NT conc-3) respectively. Groups 7-9 were administered 50mg/kg alloxan and different grades (5%, 7%, 10%) respectively of the aqueous extract. Blood liver and pancreatic tissues were collected into appropriately labelled sample bottles and analyzed. The result of the blood analysis showed electrolyte levels were only slightly altered with potassium ions having the least change. Bicarbonate rose from 22.67±1.15 to 24.50±1.52, potassium ions decreased from 4.45±0.14 to 4.43±0.22 and sodium ions rose from 139.33±1.63 to 143.00±2.90. The metabolite uric acid was elevated from 2.75±0.12 to 3.35±0.33. Oral administration of 250mg/kg aqueous Tapinanthus bangwensis extract to groups 7,8 and 9 of 50mg/kg, 70mg/kg, and 100mg/kg respectively, significantly decreased many of these biochemical alterations in a dose-dependent manner. 100mg/kg extract showed the highest effect in lowering the elevated parameters followed by 70mg/kg administration. The 50mg/kg dose had the least lowering effect. Histopathological results also confirmed these chemical pathological results. The extract of Tapinanthus bangwensis is insulinogenic and thus can be a good antibiotic agent as it can improve most of the altered biochemical and physiological parameters observed during diabetes mellitus.
Tapinanthus bangwensis; Serum electrolytes; Citrate buffer; Diabetic treated concentrations; Alloxan
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