Studies on Mat forming algae in Nyalkal fresh water lake, Nizamabad, Telangana State

S Swetha and M Aruna *

Department of Botany Hydrobiology and Algal Biotechnology laboratory Department of Botany, Telangana University, Dichpally, Nizamabad, T.S., India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 16(01), 016–020.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.16.1.0407
Publication history: 
Received on 15 August 2023; revised on 30 September 2023; accepted on 02 October 2023
Cyanobacteria especially termed blue-green algae typically inhabit damp soils and water. These species represent a large component of the phytoplanktonic biomass in freshwater ponds. In many fields, including medicine, feed, fuel, and pollution combating, cyanobacteria are a crucial resource. An essential ecological factor in freshwater aquaculture, cyanobacterial diversity yields several relevant insights. Blue-green cyanobacteria and sediments make up the majority of Mat forming. Algal mats may be seen in abundance in stromolites. The current research endeavor intends to explore the biodiversity of cyanobacteria. Blue-green algae were examined using a binocular microscope in order to determine their species by their size, shape, and color.
Algal diversity; Cyanobacteria; Blue-green Algae; Nyalkal lake.
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