Identification of spatial clusters and spatial outliers of HIV/AIDS using local Moran’s I statistic

Thi-Hien Cao * and Thi-Hong Dao

Faculty of Nursing, East Asia University of Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 17(01), 101–108.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.17.1.0012
Publication history: 
Received on 30 November 2023; revised on 16 January 2024; accepted on 19 January 2024
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) remains a major global public health issue, having claimed 40.4 million lives so far with ongoing transmission in all countries globally; with some countries reporting increasing trends in new infections when previously on the decline. This study aims to use the local Moran’s I statistic to investigate the spatial clusters and spatial outliers of HIV/AIDS cases 63 provinces/cities in Vietnam in 2017.
Methods: The local Moran’s I statistic is first employed to measure spatial auto-correlation between the number of HIV/AIDS cases in each province/city, and then identify the spatial clusters and spatial outliers of HIV/AIDS cases. Spatial distribution of HIV/AIDS clusters and outliers will be mapped with the help of a GIS. Finally, the main findings will be discussed and summarised.
Results: High numbers of HIV/AIDS cases were mainly concentrated in the provinces of the north central region, Da Nang and provinces in the south of Vietnam. Low numbers of HIV/AIDS cases were detected in the northeastern provinces, central and southeastern provinces of Vietnam. Specifically, one high-high cluster and six low-low spatial clusters, and four low-high and high-low spatial outliers of HIV/AIDS cases were successfully detected. Whereas, the only high-high spatial cluster was discovered in Binh Duong province with 3598 HIV/AIDS cases.
Conclusions: Local Moran’s I statistic can help to effectively identify spatial clusters and spatial outlier of HIV/AIDS. Findings in this study provide an insight into how to use spatial statistics to study the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Local Moran’s I statistic; Spatial outliers; Spatial clusters; Spatial distribution, HIV/AIDS; Vietnam
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