Correlation of serum anti-mullerian hormone and age-related health problems with ovarian function

Jacky Zhuoxi Li 1, 2, Sea-Yuen Ho 1, Preston Corliss Loo 1, Chang King Cheung 1, Mary, Ngan Bing Cheung 1, * and Wings Tjing Yung Loo 1

1 Essence Medical Laboratory and P&P Dental and Medical Ltd, Hong Kong.
2 Design Group International Pte Ltd, Singapore.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 19(01), 407–412.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.19.1.0453
Publication history: 
Received on 16 June 2024; revised on 23 July 2024; accepted on 26 July 2024
The objectives of this paper were to analyse the correlation between serum Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) and age-related health issues affecting ovarian function and explore the current opportunities for this novel technique. This article mainly focuses on reviewing the biological processes involved in the female reproductive system and the clinical basis of the development of technologies for female fertility. The Serum AntiMullerian Hormone (AMH) test is a valuable tool for the assessment of ovarian function. The AMH level of each individual sample is catalysed using a Roche Elecsys AMH analyzer and a chemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLA), which measures the light emission of the serum complex at 450 nm. The results demonstrated a strong association between serum AMH levels and age, establishing its reliability in the prediction of the ovarian reserve as well as reproductive lifespan. However, age is not the sole determinant for fertility. Genetic factors, oocyte quality, uterine thickness and other environmental factors showed a potential linkage with ovarian syndromes, which indicates poor ovarian function. Market expansion, raising awareness of reproductive health, policy support, and technological advancements provide multiple channels for the promotion of AMH test technology. These findings can be used for business planning or studying age-related changes on the AMH test.
AMH; Ovarian function; Reproductive health assessment; Market analysis
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