Emerging technology trends in Pharmaceutical industry

Grishma H Patel *, Bhumi P Suratiya, Dhara V Patel and Dhananjay B Meshram

Department of Quality Assurance, Pioneer Pharmacy College, Vadodara, Gujarat 390019, India.
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 19(02), 166–172.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.19.2.0498
Publication history: 
Received on 29 June 2024; revised on 06 August 2024; accepted on 08 August 2024
This review's objective is to provide an early look at upcoming technological advancements in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors. In order to accomplish this, we assess cutting-edge medical innovations from the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors as well as contemporary technologies. Artificial intelligence, for instance, is able to understand the connection between different formulations and process factors. Blockchain is an intricate database that secures data to keep the system safe from hacking or alteration. The use of cloud computing technology enhances drug discovery. In the future, hospitals will need space for scanning and 3D printing because these technologies can create almost anything, including medical devices and human body parts, as well as custom medications. Both surgical procedures and the handling of chemicals in laboratories frequently use robotics. A database used in operating rooms, hospitals, labs, and clinics to help with information gathering is called IT (Information Technology). The quality of life of our elderly population can be maintained with the aid of cutting-edge medical advances and technologies. In order to address these issues, pharmaceutical companies and medical technology companies should collaborate to advance superior practices by integrating them into other related fields.
Artificial Intelligence (AI); Digital Therapeutics; Cloud Technology; Robotics in pharma industries;3D Printing; Blockchain Technology.
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