Outpatient management of PCOS induced infertility through Ayurveda

R. Bhagavathy Ammal 1, Uma Pukkuzhi Purushothaman 2, * and Meera Sudhakaran 2

1 Senior Consultant Physician and Hospital Superintendent, Sitaram Ayurveda Multispecialty hospital, Thrissur – 680021, India.
2 Consultant Physician, Sitaram Ayurveda Multispecialty hospital, Thrissur – 680021, India.
Case Study
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 19(02), 311–315.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.19.2.0511
Publication history: 
Received on 29 June 2024; revised on 11 August 2024; accepted on 14 August 2024
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine pathology commonly seen in females of reproductive age. Young adults are usually affected soon after hitting puberty. Nearly 15% of the global population is affected by this syndrome and the incidence is progressively increasing due to the present lifestyle and its demands on the human body and psyche. Obesity, infertility, insulin resistance and mental stress are some of commonly seen comorbidities of PCOS. According to Ayurveda perspective PCOS cannot be restricted to a particular disease but it can be analysed and treated on the basis of symptoms presented and the causes that have led to it. We can co-relate it to raktaja gulma, the condition that lies closest to the presenting pattern of a PCOS patient. Here we have the case report of a 29-year-old female, who is a diagnosed case of PCOS since 4 years. She presented with the complaint of inability to conceive and irregular periods. After 1.5 years of OP level management she conceived and delivered a healthy baby boy.
PCOS; Ayurveda; Infertility; Outpatient treatment
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