A comparative Study of standard dressing verses vac therapy dressing in diabetic foot ulcer patients

Sakthi Abirami R 1, Bakyalakshmi S 2, *, Swarnalatha M 2, Kunkuma Vaishnavi S 2 and Vaishnavi G 2

1 Faculty of Allied Health Sciences Lecturer, University of Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, India.
2 Department of Physician Associate, University of Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 19(03), 321–326.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.19.3.0620
Publication history: 
Received on 31 July 2024; revised on 10 September 2024; accepted on 13 September 2024
A severe and debilitating sign of untreated diabetes that manifests as ulcers on the foot is diabetic foot ulcer. About 20% of hospital admissions for diabetes mellitus among patients are believed to be related to it. The severity of problems including amputation and mortality can be decreased by treating ulcerations effectively and early on. The aim of this study was to assess and compare the effectiveness of vacuum-assisted closure dressings to standard dressings in terms of healing rate, granulation tissue formation, treatment duration, and patient satisfaction. Thirty patients participated in the six-month trial, which was conducted at A.C.S. Medical College and Hospital. They were divided into equal-sized groups. Patients in groups 1 and 2 (n = 15 each) got vacuum-assisted closure dressings and standard dressings, respectively. By comparing size and grade of the ulcer before and after treatment show signs of healing and the formation of granulation tissues. After treatment, the size and grade of ulcers varied significantly, with vacuum- assisted closure dressing having high amount of variation (mean size: 2.47, grade of ulcer :0.13, P value: 0.001) compared to standard dressing (mean size:4.13 grade of ulcer:1.13). Within a month or two, 93.3% of patients completed their treatment, and no longer were dissatisfied with vacuum- assisted closure dressing. As a result, the study concluded that vacuum- assisted closure dressing is more beneficial and effective than standard dressing.
Diabetic foot ulcer; Vacuum- assisted closure dressing; Standard dressing; Diabetic management.
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