Green synthesis of copper nanoparticles by using aqueous extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves and its antibacterial activity
1 College of Agricultural Biotechnology (affiliated to Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani), Hatta 431705, Taluka Basmat, Dist. Hingoli, Maharashtra state, India.
2 Department of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics (U.G. & P.G.), Yeshwant College of Information Technology, Parbhani 431401(affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.
3 School of Life Sciences (DST-FIST phase-I and UGC-SAP DRS-II sponsored school), Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded-431606, Maharashtra, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2023, 13(02), 015–023.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2023.13.2.0066
Publication history:
Received on 21 December 2022; revised on 31 January 2023; accepted on 02 February 2023
Nanoparticles are described as substances with at least one exterior dimension between 1 and 100 nm. Nanoparticles can be produced by physical, chemical, or biological processes. Nanoparticle production techniques include chemical reduction, electrochemistry, photochemistry, and physical vapour condensation. However, some of these methods are very expensive and risky. The biological method for creating nanoparticles is simple, quick, inexpensive, dependable, and risk-free in comparison to these technologies. Our current study documented the green synthesis of copper nanoparticles using Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) leaves extract and their antibacterial activity. We have used UV-vis spectroscopy to characterise copper nanoparticles. Ocimum sanctum leaves extract contained alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins that might serve as capping and stabilising agents for the green synthesis of Ocimum sanctum-copper nanoparticles. In the form of a zone of growth inhibition, the copper nanoparticles demonstrated promising effects against all of the chosen bacteria. It was discovered that copper nanoparticle formation increased along with the reaction time of Ocimum sanctum leaves extract and copper sulphate. The inhibitory action of copper nanoparticles was found to increase along with the concentration of copper sulphate in solution. The effectiveness of different volumes of Ocimum sanctum leaves extract in reducing copper ions was assessed, and its effectiveness against Escherichia coli was confirmed.
Antimicrobial; Leaf extract; Nanoparticles; Ocimum sanctum
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